Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gizmodo AU running a blog theme of fitness for geeks this week

Gizmodo are running a theme of playing with balls this week, which fits right up the alley for Bleep. In the linked article, they mention heart rate monitor gadgets in particular. At least my approach will be relatively inexpensive. What a pity that Bleep isn't ready for the publication yet. I'll be following their posts with interest.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ahh, there _are_ heart rate monitor accessories for the iPhone already

I was operating under the impression that nobody had created a heart rate monitor system for the iPhone yet. This seemed illogical to me as it is such an obvious thing to do.

As it turns out, there is one. I found it today at Smheartlink's site. It looks like a great product, but it is a lot of money to spend, especially after you have already purchased a HRM belt.

Its a bit disappointing to see this considering my app will do much the same stuff, but I still see a niche for my app, as it doesn't require you to charge and carry another device around with you, plus it will be a bit cheaper :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Apple approves how many apps a day?!?

I saw an article on gizmodo a few minutes ago that says that apple approved almost 1400 iphone apps last friday. Even on the slow days they approve hundreds of applications.

Its massively impressive that Apple have got so many applications. It just goes to show how much of a runaway success they have on their hands. I can't help wonder though how hard it will be for anyone to find the app that they want when there are so many apps to choose from. I suppose thats why we've got app review sites popping up now, like the App store equivalent of gizmodo... Here's hoping I can get them to review my app when its finished.

In Bleep development news, I got it running on my iPhone 3G last night (rather than just the simulator) and it works okay. There are some performance problems which I think I can rectify fairly easily, and then there is just user interface tweaking to go.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Progress on Bleep

I had hoped to finish Bleep to the point where it could be submitted to Apple over the weekend.  Sadly, I've run into some problems causing the application to crash on the iPhone, even though it runs fine in the simulator.  I'm also trying to polish the user interface to make it a better experience for users.

In the mean time, I've uploaded a sneak peek video of Bleep in action.  Bear in mind that this is an early version of the software, and it is still being tweked. Have a look: