Monday, July 25, 2005

Trail Map

Here's the Trail map from Perisher Blue


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Ski Trip Photos

For the last week, my girlfriend and I, her family, and a bunch of mates have been skiing at Perisher Blue in the Snowy Mountains.

Not much photographic evidence I'm afraid, as I was too busy snowboarding, but here is what I did get.

Ski Trip 2005

Monday, July 11, 2005

We're going on a ski trip

Melissa, her family, a few friends, and myself are all going skiing next week. As a commemorative piece, and to make it feel more like a school outing, we have screen printed t-shirts for the expedition

Sunday, July 3, 2005

flowers!!!..... okay leaves

I have a cyclamen pot plant, which has been through the wars over the years. As a result, it produces the most interesting shaped leaves that I have ever seen.

The Grates are Great!

Melissa, Courtenay and myself went to see the Grates (supported by the Fuzz) at the Amplifier Bar on Thursday. It turned out to be a great gig, mainly based upon the energy of the Grates' lead singer, Patience. She was dancing around the entire gig with a gigantic smile on her face. Her energy rubs off on the crowd, which made it a memorable night.

Apologies about the poor quality. I haven't mastered the art of Gig photography yet.